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Showing 13–24 of 52 results

  • Academia Fútbol Alcobendas

    Rated 0 out of 5

    At the Alcobendas Football Academy we are in favor of the comprehensive training of our players within the environment of this fantastic sport that is so passionate about those who play it, the coaches and the fans. Within this environment we can take advantage of many of the values ​​that surround football to train our students in teamwork, respect and perseverance.

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  • B1 Soccer Academy

    Rated 0 out of 5

    B1 Soccer Academy is an elite Sports Academy searching to develop the entire potential of young male and female, national and international, soccer players in an unbeatable atmosphere that helps them discover and achieve their maximum level.

    Each player will have the same opportunity to achieve their dreams. Through effort and sacrifice, everything is possible, and B1 Soccer Academy is your best option.

    Designed for players of ages between 13 and 23 years, B1 Soccer Academy has developed specific training programs in the city of Barcelona, the capital of a unique soccer game style. In addition, we offer a wide range of studies and education options for those players that not only seek a sporting opportunity.

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  • GusGol Football Services

    Rated 0 out of 5

    For years we have specialised in offering training and academy services to help teams, players, coaching staff and federations to achieve new goals, without neglecting the mission of grassroots football.

    Our camps, camps, drafts, technification programmes, etc… specifically selected for the different groups, encompass everything you may need in terms of technical and qualification growth.

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  • Palencia Football Academy

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    The academy’s main objective is to offer a comprehensive program for talented individuals from all over the world, helping them reach their full potential through a fully integrated football program. At Palencia Football Academy we believe that training, studying and living in a foreign country is an invaluable experience that helps develop young individuals not only into better players, but also into better people. The benefits of this experience will remain in the player for the rest of his/her life.

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  • Wospac & UE Cornellà

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Do you want to become a professional soccer player? WOSPAC Football Stages is the most innovative Barcelona Boarding Soccer Academy. Through a highly qualified technical staff, first class facilities and a global working method, we have developed a revolutionary sportive and educational program exclusive and designed for boys and girls from around the world from 10 to 24 years old.

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  • OnSports Academy

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Our exclusive residence is strategically located in the wonderful city of Benalmádena,  a natural place,  safe and unbeatable for the sports development of our players.

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  • Club Internacional de la Amistad

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    Our División de Honor youth team has already started the pre-season work. On the 25th of July our players started the work. With a lot of illusion and enthusiasm they started the training sessions led by the coaching staff.

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  • H8S Barcelona

    Rated 0 out of 5

    At H8S Fútbol, we are dedicated to the creation and development of programmes related to formative and professional football. Everything we do is based on a methodology we have been developing ourselves and constantly evolving for over 30 years that helps players to improve.

    Hristo Stoitchkov, the legendary player for FC Barcelona, and Antonio Sánchez, the current technical director of H8S Fútbol and former player for FC Barcelona, created H8S Fútbol to realise a dream: create football academies where the technical aspects of the game could be developed, especially an understanding of football and the logic behind the game.

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  • Fútbol In Events

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Futbol in Events will allow you to easily and simply register all the relevant information about your players, teams, trainings, competitions… you decide the depth of data you want to register.

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  • Marcet Intelligent Football

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    The objective of the Marcet Professional Eurofootball Program (MPEP) is not to sign players, but to prepare future footballers so that they are suitable to be signed by other clubs. Those who pass this stage of preparation will be able to start their professional career successfully. Marcet students put themselves in the showcase to make the leap to elite European football and every year dozens of them are signed by teams from all over the world, as confirmed by the Hall of Fame of this High Performance Academy.

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  • Saft Academy

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Es una escuela de tecnificación en fútbol creada para ayudar y formar a jugadores y jugadoras de fútbol en todo su proceso deportivo. En SAFT ofrecemos una formación exclusiva, integral y personalizada al jugador de fútbol, a través de una metodología de entrenamientos propia. Una metodología desarrollada a través de años de estudios, formación y experiencia tanto en fútbol base como en fútbol profesional e internacional.

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  • ProfutCamps

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Profutcamps is a brand of sports training specialized in high performance Football-soccer, where the quality and high professionalism of our employees to make top professionals in the sector continue to trust us. During the last 7 years we have designed different Football-soccer programs, as individualized as well as in groups, including team trainings.

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