Showing 1–12 of 20 results
OnSports Academy
Our exclusive residence is strategically located in the wonderful city of Benalmádena,  a natural place,  safe and unbeatable for the sports development of our players.
Club Internacional de la Amistad
Our División de Honor youth team has already started the pre-season work. On the 25th of July our players started the work. With a lot of illusion and enthusiasm they started the training sessions led by the coaching staff.
Marcet Intelligent Football
The objective of the Marcet Professional Eurofootball Program (MPEP) is not to sign players, but to prepare future footballers so that they are suitable to be signed by other clubs. Those who pass this stage of preparation will be able to start their professional career successfully. Marcet students put themselves in the showcase to make the leap to elite European football and every year dozens of them are signed by teams from all over the world, as confirmed by the Hall of Fame of this High Performance Academy.
Saft Academy
Es una escuela de tecnificación en fútbol creada para ayudar y formar a jugadores y jugadoras de fútbol en todo su proceso deportivo. En SAFT ofrecemos una formación exclusiva, integral y personalizada al jugador de fútbol, a través de una metodología de entrenamientos propia. Una metodología desarrollada a través de años de estudios, formación y experiencia tanto en fútbol base como en fútbol profesional e internacional.
Profutcamps is a brand of sports training specialized in high performance Football-soccer, where the quality and high professionalism of our employees to make top professionals in the sector continue to trust us. During the last 7 years we have designed different Football-soccer programs, as individualized as well as in groups, including team trainings.
FUTEDU is a High-Performance Academy with qualified professionals from the world of education, football, and a complete sports psychology department.
Since 2012 our philosophy is to promote FOOTBALL + EDUCATION in the service provided nationally and internationally.
More than 1,000 families already trust FUTEDU in the football training of their children in Spain.
Academia de alto rendimiento.
Sesiones de trabajo tanto de preparación física como tecnificación.
Dirigido a jugadores desde 4 años a profesionales.
Totalmente compatible con los entrenamientos de club.
Instalaciones para cualquier tipo de entrenamiento.
Sala cubierta para días de lluvia.
Horarios adaptados al jugador.
Precios según programa de entrenamiento.
Contamos con: entrenadores profesionales, preparadores físicos, recuperador y readaptador de lesiones, entrenador de porteros, fisioterapia.
Estudio antropométrico del jugador.
Grabaciones del jugador en partidos y entrenamientos.
Material profesional y de última generación para el trabajo físico y técnico.
Metodología internacional e innovadora.
Trabajo específico por puestos.
Entrenamiento de porteros.
Recuperación de lesionados.
Sesiones individuales.
Programas de reducción de peso.
Entrenamiento físico personalizado para padres y madres.
Programas de entrenamiento:
Planificación MundoFútbol.
Grupos fútbol 7 y fútbol 11.
Sesión individual.
Entrenamiento de porteros.
Trabajo con equipo/club.
Entrenamiento para padres.
Plan Reducción de Peso.
Entrenamiento para personas discapacitadas.
Además de las sesiones de mejora técnica y física en grupos reducidos, desde 3 años (fútbol base), también realizamos sesiones individualizadas, preparación física de academias de oposiciones, entrenamiento de porteros, …
International Players & Coaches
Dedicated especially to the football sector, we take care of the management of assets and human resources, with the aim of offering our customers services and products unique in today’s market.
We have cooperation agreements with sports entities around the world, and we have a wide portfolio of coaches and soccer players, prepared and trained in our work methodology, as well as specialists in different football areas
LaLiga Talents
LALIGA is firmly committed to training through its sports and training projects for grassroots football, such as academies worldwide, football schools and coach training, among others.
From LALIGA ACADEMY we aim to promote and enhance the value and image of LALIGA through the development of our own sports and training projects that promote both the culture of Spanish football and the transmission of LALIGA’s know-how and methodologies.
Our main mission is to bring the knowledge generated over the years by the best elite football professionals to all the countries and continents of the world. Through projects and actions of a multidisciplinary nature, they are grouped into 5 main areas of intervention: Sports Consultancy, Football Development, Coaching Education, Clubs and Youth Academies and New Technologies.
RD Global Sports Canary Football Academy
Canary Football Academy was born with the purpose of creating in Gran Canaria, the place with the best climate in the world, a high performance residencial academy for soccer players of all ages from allover theworld.
• Our mission is to train young talents so that they can achieve their dream of being able to play in professional leagues around the world. The project is developed in our first class facilities with constant and daily high level trainings. The methodology we follow will focus on the development of the individual technique of each footballer, this technique being characteristic of the numerous Canarianfootballerswhohave becomeprofessionalplayers usingtheworldknown¨TikiTaka¨
Real Oviedo
Nuestros programas formativos representan una oportunidad para vivir una gran experiencia futbolística, en un entorno profesional.
Contamos con 5 programas de perfeccionamiento para jóvenes futbolistas, que se adaptan a las diferentes etapas formativas y evolutivas, así como a las cualidades individuales de los jugadores, con el objetivo de mejorar sus cualidades físicas, técnicas y tácticas.
Los programas incluyen estancia en nuestra residencia de jugadores, donde contarás con comedor, lavandería, servicio de limpieza de habitaciones, transporte, formación académica y seguro médico.
El plan
Los entrenadores del Real Oviedo se encargarán de realizar un programa deportivo personalizado, basado en los métodos de trabajo que utiliza la cantera del Club.
Períodos de estancia
2 semanas – 1 mes – 3 meses – 6 meses – 10 meses.
Una oportunidad para vivir la experiencia de formarte y sumergirte en el entorno de un club profesional de fútbol.